Monday, March 26, 2012

Understanding Brain Computer Interface

Have you ever wanted to communicate with others or move objects using only your mind just like the characters you saw in the movies? Isn't it great to be able to do it? This is now becoming a reality with the development of Brain Computer Interface (BCI). BCI is defined as a system of interaction between the brain and a device.

How BCI works?
A set of electrodes called electroencephalograph (EEG) is attached to the scalp or implanted onto the specific brain surface to receive better and more accurate signal. The EEG measure differences in the voltage between brain cells. This signal is then magnified, filtered and read by a software. BCI works in reverse for its input to the brain. The signal such as video is converted into voltages that are sent to the EEG and activate the brain cells. The person will then receives the signal of the video.

Application of BCI
One of the applications of BCI is for entertainment. The mind of a user can be used as a controller to control a video games or replace a remote control to change the channels of television. An application for entertainment is the release of a toy called "Star Wars Force Trainer". It uses a headset to detect concentration signal from the user's brain. When the user concentrates, the headset receives the signal and transmit it to a microchip that switches on the fan and lift up the ball inside the clear tube.

Another application of BCI is the implementation of devices that can help disabled people to live normally. The disabled person can use his mind to control such device to overcome his physical difficulties. He first visualises an action with a headset attached to allow the software to learn the brain signals. After a few tries, the user thinks about the action to transmit the brain signals to the device which will read the signal and execute the action. Some examples of such devices are robotic arm and mouse cursor.

Here is a video of Tan Le, co-founder and president of Emotiv Systems, showing how a user controls the computer with his mind using BCI.

Limitation of BCI
There are still challenges when implementing BCI.

1) Complexity of the brain
The electric signals from the brain do not totally determine a person's thought and action. There are also chemical process that the EEG cannot read.

2) Weak signals received by the EEG
These brain signals are so weak and small that they are easily interfered by signals generated by other actions.

3) Inconvenience of BCI equipments
Some BCI need a wired connection to their equipments. Although there are BCI that are wireless, they still require the user to carry a computer around. 

These challenges can be overcome with research and development of BCI. The EEG can be improved to receive better brain signals and the equipment of BCI can become wireless and lighter. With these challenges being overcome, I believe that this technology will be able to benefit us in making our lives more convenient in future.


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