Monday, April 16, 2012

Duality by ART+COM

“Duality” is a reactive environmental installation in the city center of Tokyo, created by the Berlin-based media designers at ART+COM. The artwork was realised in January 2007 and is a permanent installation. The boundary between a walkway and an adjacent artificial pond was chosen as the location for the work. This interface between “liquid” (water) and “solid” (land) was thematically used and augmented by the question of “real” (water ripples) and “virtual” (artificial light waves). Passersby trigger the installation that interplays between solid and liquid, virtual and real, light and water:

Their footsteps generate virtual waves that transform to real water waves in the pond. Intended as a playful moment to enrich the commute, or to surprise the unexpecting, the installation proposes a different way of integrating media in public space. The installation is located outside an office building complex in central Tokyo, which is linked to a highly frequented subway station. The objective of the artwork was to evoke stronger identification of commuters and accidental visitors with the place. Using translucent glass floor to diffuse monochromatic LED matrix the ART+COM designers defined a unique aesthetic, different from standard displays. Making the installation interactive, reacting to the passersby's footsteps, they challenged the expectations of the behavior of public displays. They took a step further by extending the waves as physical motion in the adjacent pond. The original concept was inspired by the dual nature of light, the so called "Wave-Particle Duality," but through the development process, the immediate playfulness and challenging the expectations became at least equally important to the final realization.

The installation aims at creating an identity of the space. Pedestrians become aware of the space that they would usually cross without paying much attention to. It’s a beautiful example of how spaces can adapt depending on the people within them. Most of those concepts so far had an impact on the visceral and behavioral level of processing (Emotional Design: Why we love (or hate) everday things – Donald Norman). Think about changes in temperature or lighting to make someone feel more comfortable. Duality has an impact on the reflective level. It makes people have a moment of contemplation when they don’t expect it.

New research on emotion and cognition has shown that attractive things really do work better.In recent years, the design community has focused on making products easier to use. Design experts have vastly underestimated the role of emotion on our experience of everyday objects.Emotional Design analyzes the profound influence of this deceptively simple idea. 

Donald Norman lists the following 3 levels of design based on emotion:
  • Visceral Design (evolutionary responses)
  • Behavioral Design (bodily activity)
  • Reflective Design (mental activity)
Duality probably utilizes the Behavioral Design level and detects physiological changes based on body motion that are Non-Stylized.

In the future, will inanimate objects respond to human emotions? Is it possible to create emotional robots?


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